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Most people will be shy, afraid, and hesitated to do something new for the first time. Is that weird? No! Don’t worry! it's very normal. Because, we’ve never done that before. But, one thing you should know,  first time will teach us the most valuable lesson in our life.

Once upon a time, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, my Mom came to me, and told me, "Ayyasy, there is a book selling competition. Join it and you will find something new."

and then I answered, "Ah.. Mom.. I can't do that. I'm shy. It's impossible for me to join that competition. In addition, I’ve never done it before."

After that, my mom went away.

But, the next day, she came to me again and said, "Ayyasy, join that competition. Arbi, your friend has been enrolled by his Mom and he wanted to try it. The book’s price is about Rp.45K. You will get Rp.5K from each book sold. That’s good enough for your additional allowance, right? So, challenge yourself!"

"Alright Mom.. Actually I’m shy to face people. But..yeah.. I will try.. and I did join it."

After I decided to join that competition, I immediately thought, where I could sell these book. I collected my courage.   Then, I closed my eyes and started to imagine the people who would buy my books.

The day has come. I started my first selling day. I tried to overcome my shyness and threw it as far as I could. I brought my books to the school and promoted it to whoever I met, such as my teachers, my school administrative staff, my friends, my friend’s parent, and so on and so forth.

“Guys… I’m selling a good book to read. Buy it from me..” I said like that.

And… do you know what happened in my first selling day??

I had no buyer. I got many rejections and even an insult from a friend at school. He grabbed my book and threw it away  to the corner of the class. My book was broken. Verily, I was extremely embarrassed at the time. But, I did nothing. After arriving at home, I told my mom about my first selling day experience at school. I said to her, “It’s a hard day, mom. My friend insulted me, grabbed my book and threw it to the corner of the class. So, my book is broken.I was extremely embarrassed because of it.” Then, she encouraged me,”It doesn’t matter Ayyasy. It’s okey. You have learned something new today. Congratulations!”

Finally, I just took a deep breath, and took some rest. Prepare to be better and stronger tomorrow.

Day 2 and the day after that, I did the same thing like on my first day; shouting with full of enthusiasm and promoting my books to whoever I met. I came again to people who had promised me. I asked them for it. Unexpectedly, I became stronger day by day, week by week. I forgot about being shy in front of people. I just did repetition every single day.

After a month, I did’t realized I have fulfilled my 30 days of selling. The ceremony at the big event has come. I sat among with the audience and participant. I saw the writer of the book at corner, he is Valentino Dinsi. He attended the event. People were eager to know who would be the champion of the competition.I didn’t hear my name mentioned at third and second place by the host.

I felt so tense. Really. I swore. Uhm…

I took a long breath.

Finally, the host mentioned my name as the champion of book selling competition.

”Yeay! I’m the winner”I was so happy and grateful. I didn’t expect I could sell 35 books in a month. Wonderful!

Time has changed. Little Ayyasy has grown up and become mature. He doesn’t give a damn to other people’s opinion about him. He just does what he should do. Because sharing is caring.

Now, he loves entrepreneurship so much and he’s still overcoming his nervousness by joining Toastmaster Club. Because he wants to improve, increase, and scale up his leadership and his capacity. He believes that great circle will make great people.

So, don’t be shy to do something new like Ayyasy! Although you are an introvert person, just do it!

We might be shy, afraid, hesitated to do something for the first time in our life. But, how do we know if we never try?

It’s time to try, and overcome our shyness. If we don’t try, we don’t know the best version of ourself.

For Everything to Change, You Have to change. For Everything to get better, You have to get better.

From shy to shine. Keep shining!


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